Here are some of the thoughts and reminiscing of people who years ago rode The Leap-The-Dips:
- Fran Brunhuber:
When I was a kid, I loved The Leap-The-Dips. I rode it every chance
I got. And so did my children ride it at every opportunity.
- Bob Winslow:
As a child, my parents came from Highland Fling twice a year to Lakemont
Park. We children were each given $.50, and The Leap-The-Dips was
our first spree, then the marry-go-round and other rides. That $.50
brought us a lot of joy and ice cream cones besides.
- Hazel McCready:
I wouldn’t ride it, because I was scared to death of it.
- Anna Eardley:
As a country kid from Martinsburg, The Leap-The-Dips at Lakemont Park was
a big thrill—wonderful!
- Olive Noel:
Our four children attended the Cathedral elementary school in the 1960’s
and early 1970’s. Their school picnic was held at Lakemont Park. The Leap-The-Dips was then in operation and especially enjoyed by all of
- Gerri Rose:
In the 1940’s, the excitement of a yearly trip to Lakemont Park was always
highlighted by the fast and thrilling ride on The Leap-The-Dips, lasting
only a few minutes—now a lifetimes memory.
- Louise Gill:
I remember getting in a small—I think a wooden—cart on a platform. It went slowly up the tracks and at the top suddenly flipped downwards.
- Barry Lambour:
We were giggling, laughing kids punching one another as we boarded The
Leap-The-Dips cars. Up, up we went and suddenly we were catching
our breath as we dashed and dipped downward. Exciting!
- Joel Mannion:
My recollection of The Leap-The-Dips was a ride with my sister and elderly
great Uncle Joe. No one else would risk the ride. This visitor
from New York gladly accepted the challenge and shared our fun.
- Dorothy Peoples:
Sure I remember The Leap-The-Dips! It was
a lot of pleasure and not too steep. As I recall the ride was $.10. We always took along a big picnic basket with our lunch when we went to
Lakemont Park.
- Louise Tobin:
Do I remember The Leap-The-Dips at Lakemont Park? I sure do! When visiting aunts in Altoona, I loved to go to the park on the open trolley. One time I was on the roller coaster with Lizzie Fresh. We were both
from Nicktown. What I can still see is her expression after the big
dip—Lizzie’s eyes were as big as her mouth.
- Evey Rogers:
Lakemont Park was a place to always have a real good time. I was
in some plays at the Playhouse that Helen Carrol produced. And the
dances. The Leap-The-Dips we always rode, but we were just a little
These comments are only a few from joy seekers. We will never know of the many thousands
who enjoyed this historic preservation that we hope will soon ride again
into the Lakemont Park future.
Leap-The-Dips | Preservation Foundation Inc. | Leap Inc. | ACE Coaster Classics
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